Campaign, Advertising, Social
The majority of Broadway show attendees are aged 40-45. I aimed to create a way to engage with younger audiences with this concept.
There is a lack of engagement of younger audiences who have been left out of a cultural experience.
Kairos is an app that provides a personalized interactive experience that encourages millennials to attend and engage with the Broadway community.
Designer, Illustrator
“Kairos” is a term from ancient Greek that refers to the ideal moment, critical junction, or opportune time.
I drew inspiration from video games, greek culture and its rich history of theater, as well as films. In particular films featuring Hannibal Lecter.
During my research phase I landed on the idea of creating an app that would enable millennials to buy broadway tickets with ease, read reviews and interact with a live performance.
Read full case study here.
Based on the research I did, I noticed three recurring insights.
Price, exposure and engagement. The app is able to inform users when discounts are happening, as well as engage with them by enabling them to vote on crucial moments during brief intermissions.
This experience will give every group of attendees a unique ending to their show.